Thursday, 3 July 2014


AWAKEN YOUR WILL POWER: Your ability to use the directive power of your will increases in direct proportion to your identification with it. If, however, you do not allow the active participation of your will in directing your mind, then your will is left open to being manipulated by those whose will is more powerful than your own. Moreover, your thoughts, moods, emotions & desires are determined largely by the impersonal operations of the Universal Laws & collective consciousness.
You may believe that you have little if any will power, but that is only because you have left it idle, not because you do not have it. The truth is you cannot acquire will power. Nor do you build up or strengthen your will power. Rather, you awaken your will and you train yourself to use its already existing power. The most effective way to train yourself to use the power of your will in any direction is through self-discipline. No one said it would be easy but the life-long rewards of disciplining yourself to use the incredible power of your will to direct your mind, instead of letting it wander idly and aimlessly, far outweigh any effort you may exert in this direction.