Wednesday, 23 July 2014

dr.vandana raghuvanshi, law of attraction trainer, life coach, past life therapist, India

Dr. Vandana Raghuvanshi
Director Energy Healing Guidance
Surgeon, Past Life Regression & Hypnotherapist,
Neuro-Linguistic Program(NLP) Therapist
Reiki Grand Master & Pranic Healer.
Power of Subconscious Mind Trainer
Magnified healer and Teacher
Crystal Healer
Dowsing Teacher and Dowser
Teacher for Crystal ball gazing
Trainer for Forgiveness
World class trainer for how to attract abundance....Law of  attraction trainer
EFT/ ERT[Emotional release therapy ] Trainer
Medical Vedic astrologer

· >Past life regression & hypnotherapy:   Successfully doing past life regression, children’s past life        sessions,
 > past life therapy for phobia, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, sadness unexplained
  physical health problems, relationship issues, spiritual advancement, guidance from    master.
> LBL (Life between Lives) session, age regression, anti natal (in womb) regression, Inner child healing, >Re-Birthing cleansing of  present physical body Aura and Chakra before regression,
 >SRT (Spirit Releasement Therapy)
. >As a spiritual healer she does healing work in Past Life Session for forgiveness and disconnection of disharmony cords, removal of negative energy from past life and SRT in past life therapy session

> NLP therapy for nail biting, bed wetting, goal setting, eating disorders and to increase confidence and NLP for sports person. 
> Hypnotherapy for phobia, alcohol, addictions, anxiety, stammering, stage fright, insomnia
*Teaching Reiki Level 1,2 Level
,3rd degree (Karuna Reiki),
Grand mastership
magnified healing
, Dowsing,
 EFT (Emotional Release Therapy),
 Crystal ball gazing
, Activation of third eye,
 Crystal healing,
 Forgiveness healing,
 How to attract abundance  Workshop...Law of attraction  trainer
Power of Subconscious mind.
·    Healing: facilties provides.....
 Aura cleansing & aura healing
Distant healing
 Chakra cleansing, activating, radiating and balancing
Pranic healing for
 endocrine disorder healing example: PCOD, Infertility, Hypothyroidism, Diabetes, Asthma etc
.Karmic healing.
Healing as SRT
Healing for relationship issues
Healing for negative energy removal
Healing by three fold flame
Healing for group event
Emotional release therapy session
Healing for home and office for negative energy
Highly charged amazing quratz/ crystals for all purpose for sale


Tuesday, 22 July 2014

law of attraction workshop every sunday at energy healing guidance, sco 365, ff, sec 44-d, Chandigarh..for more

Learning to accept the things that we perceive as wrong can be a difficult task for many of us. Often we have been brought up to accept that it is normal to feel guilty about our actions & that by doing so we will make everything seem alright within ourselves. Even though we might feel that we have a reason to make up for the choices we have made, it is much more important for us to learn how to deal with them in a healthy & +ve way, such as through forgiveness &understanding. 

When we can look back at our past & really assess what has happened, we begin to realize that there are many dimensions to our actions. While feeling guilty might assuage our feelings at first, it is really only a short-term solution. It is all too ironic that being hard on ourselves is the easy way out. If we truly are able to gaze upon our lives through the lens of compassion, however, we will be able to see that there is much more to what we do & have done than we realize. Perhaps we were simply trying to protect ourselves or others & did the best we could at the time, or maybe we thought we had no other recourse & chose a solution in the heat of the moment. Once we can understand that dwelling in our -ve feelings will only make us feel worse, we will come to recognize that it is really only through forgiving ourselves that we can transform our feelings & truly heal any resentment we have about our past. 

Giving ourselves permission to feel at peace with our past actions is one of the most +ve steps we can take toward living a life free from regrets, disappointments & guilt. The more we are able to remind ourselves that the true path to a peaceful mind & heart is through acceptance of every part of our lives & actions, the more harmony & inner joy we will experience in all aspects of our lives

Sunday, 20 July 2014


Healing Modules.......
·      Emotion Stress Healing:
To take out and release your emotion which are having inside you.
·      Body Cell Part Healing:
To heal disease of body parts and emotions.
·      Reiki Healing:
Body and aura, distant healing.
·      Chakra Healing:
All chakra cleaned and balanced.
·      Pranic Healing:
For endocrine disorders; diabetes, infertility, PCOD, Hypothyroidism, Cysts.
·      Forgiveness Healing:
Get healed and learn forgiveness.
·      Crystal Healing:
Get healed with crystal pyramids.
·      Family Constellation Healing
·      Re-birthing- Breathing
Take 10 sessions of re-birthing and be born a new human by healing yourself completely.
·      Neurolinguistic Programming Therapy (NLP):
Treat OCD, Phobia, Nail biting, Bed wetting, Anxiety, Time Line Therapy, Swiss Therapy, Goal planning, Self improvement and sports NLP, NLP for teens.
·      Hypnotherapy:
i)               Addiction
ii)                                               Alcoholism
iii)                                Stuttering
iv)                                 OCD
v)            Insomnia
vi)                                 Panic attack
vii)                             Remove bad habit
viii)                         Self Motivation
ix)                                 Depression
x)            Fear
xi)                                 Unexplained headache.

·      Healing of home and office:
Diagnosis of negative energy, removal of negative energy, how to protect home and office.
·      Vast Energy Consultation for home
·      Sale of Reiki Charged Articles
i)               Aura rods
ii)                                               Pyramids
iii)                                Crystal Ball
iv)                                 Crystal Chakra Stone
v)            Chakra Pyramid
vi)                                 Vajra
vii)                             Spuna
viii)                         Marquba
ix)                                 Angles
x)            Chakra generator
xi)                                 Chakra activation
xii)                             Chakra wands
xiii)                         Angel hanging
xiv)                          Wands of quartz
xv)                              Pendants, Bracelets, Bed Mala
xvi)                          Amazing Healing Stones
xvii)                      All types of Pyramids

xviii)                  And much more….  

Friday, 18 July 2014

Meditation centre , Chandigarh, India

1)        Meditation on alpha for self healing; Hindi and English
2)        Meditation to assess Akashik records for making changes in life
3)        Meditation of cosmic flame to clear Aura
4) Meditation on affirmation; positive though
5)        Meditation for prosperity
6)        Meditation for money
7)        Meditation for spiritual journey
8)        Meditation for self glow- body healing
9)        Meditation on reiki wishes and fulfillment; Hindi
10)                  Aham Brahmasmic; higher journey
11)                         Meditation for creating future
12)                  Meditation for negative thought removal
13)                  Chakra Meditation
14)                  Chakra Balancing, life passion meditation
15)                  Full moon meditation
16)                  Creating the life you want
17)                  Awakening your intuition
18)                  Finding inner peace
19)                  Discovering your spiritual life
20)                  Relieve stress and anxiety
21)                  Self belief meditation
22)                  How to feel your heart
23)                  Grounding and balancing
24)                  Energize your creativity
25)                  Idol me slimming
26)                  To understand what is meditation.

 Meditation Therapy

1)        Connecting to family tree
2)        Social retrieval
3)        Emotional alchemy
4) Journey to past life; Hindi on meditation
5)        Journey to past life; English on meditation
6)        Inner child therapy
7)        Relationship healing therapy
8)       Abundance therapy.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

19 july- 20 july energy healing guidance, Chandigarh ...Workshop for power of subconscious mind and law of attraction.. last date of registration....15 th july 2014

 Success in business and Personal Life
• Fast Relaxation and Concentration in less than 10 seconds
• Develop Your Creativity &Talents using Your Natural Inner Senses
• Improve your Memory & get better work/study results.
• Alpha  Healing
• Learn how to develop your Natural Psychic Inbor
n ability's (ESP)
• Using Your intuition to make better and right decisions.
• Develop Self Confidence

Sunday, 6 July 2014



We commonly become emotional, either in times of sorrow e.g. at being separated from a loved one, at experiencing failure in an external event, on hearing a negative news, etc. or in times of joy e.g. when our child or spouse or even pet performs a warm act, while watching a movie, etc. While we have always believed that it is absolutely normal or natural to become emotional & some of us even believe that it is good to let go of our emotions & crying once in a while makes us lighter & stronger; on a spiritual level, becoming emotional comes under the realm of dependencies & dependencies always weaken us. This is because when we become emotional, instead of influencing our self on our own, we allow something or someone outside our self to influence us. We bring that something or someone or some event outside our self, inside, in front of the eye of our mind, attach our self to it, & lose our self in it i.e. we let the image hijack our internal world in a way, as we become subservient to it. As a result our thoughts, feelings, emotions, words, actions are influenced in a big way by the image. This is a spiritual definition of becoming emotional. Passing on the remote control of my internal world to the outer world in this way is a sign of a not so strong internal self. 

Thursday, 3 July 2014

First time regular workshop on " law of attraction " in Chandigarh at discount fee. Great opportunity in City energy healing with light divine sco 365, ff, sec 44-d, Chandigarh

Understanding "The Secret" of achieving your goals.
Discovering your true potential and uncovering your own talents.
Attracting positive  relationships and improving the existing ones.
Goal prioritizing & techniques to achieve both personal n professional Goals.
Money blue print & understanding our relationship with money & how to create more money.
Developing your Intuitions . learn to make your own affirmation and how to change your thought process for a healthier you and happy life.
 chakras and chakra balancing exercise and meditation.
Mental and physical de-cluttering

Learn forgiveness and gratitude
 How to be in allowance of yourself and love yourself by connecting to your Soul.

Many wonderful healing tips.


AWAKEN YOUR WILL POWER: Your ability to use the directive power of your will increases in direct proportion to your identification with it. If, however, you do not allow the active participation of your will in directing your mind, then your will is left open to being manipulated by those whose will is more powerful than your own. Moreover, your thoughts, moods, emotions & desires are determined largely by the impersonal operations of the Universal Laws & collective consciousness.
You may believe that you have little if any will power, but that is only because you have left it idle, not because you do not have it. The truth is you cannot acquire will power. Nor do you build up or strengthen your will power. Rather, you awaken your will and you train yourself to use its already existing power. The most effective way to train yourself to use the power of your will in any direction is through self-discipline. No one said it would be easy but the life-long rewards of disciplining yourself to use the incredible power of your will to direct your mind, instead of letting it wander idly and aimlessly, far outweigh any effort you may exert in this direction.