- "The Secret" of achieving all that you desire...by using you subconscious mind power.
- Chakra and true passion....how to find your true passion...true goal
- Discovering your true potential and uncovering your own ocean of possibilities.
- Attracting positive and healthy relationships and improving the existing ones.
- Goal Prioritization & techniques to achieve both personal & professional goals
- Money blue print & how to attract more of it to your life.
- Developing your 6th sense, Intuition.
- Miracle of words power.
Learn to use Your own Power of Subconscious Mind & Law of Attraction and bring Abundance, Good Luck, Prosperity, Harmony in relationship,Increased Intuition Power, Increased Memory and Concentration, Increase Will Power to Achieve your Goal with dr.vandana raghuvanshi, life coach , spiritual healer & law of attraction trainer in world Dial...09872880634