What is The unconscious and subconscious mind ?
Many people confuse the subconscious and unconscious mind. Some think that unconscious means knocked out. Sigmund Freud distinguished the differences in the two by stating that the subconscious mind is a place in the mind, just below our conscious mind where we store easily accessed information. The unconscious mind, however is where repressed memories are stored. For example, when you want to remember someone’s name, you would access it via you subconscious mind. That is to say, that the name isn’t simply floating around in your conscious mind, but rather it can be access by recalling the memory of it. Your unconscious mind, on the other hand, is where you place traumatic memories. Memories that may be damaging to your psyche....
Learning how to use your subconscious mind and make a positive connection in your conscious and subconscious mind bring ...positive changes in life...you can attract abundance, prosperity.....