Saturday, 30 November 2013

GOALS AND DREAMS IN LIFE AND LAW OF ATTRACTION.First ever Workshop foe Power of Subconscious Mind and Law of Attraction on 15 Dec 2013 in Chandigarh, At....Energy healing guidance in Chandigarh, India

Do you think it's important to have a goal in life?

However when it comes to making important decisions in life, which everyone has to, it's easier for people with an aim to make decisions than those without one; simply because no matter what option they choose they'll land in an unknown destination.....So it's important to have some goal/ aim in life.....With goal in life , you can attract abundance and good luck more easily.......
Lot of people have dreams/goals or aim in life, but there's a large number out there who have no goal in life. There are people who try hard to achieve their aims and there are people who just go wherever life takes them.....
How to start on your Goals.....
Take a notebook and take a moment to write down some ideas . The following points can help you initially.
1. List any long-term projects you are working on or plan on undertaking ....buying a car/ a home/ getting a degree, learning an healing course or language, etc...
2. List any personal habits you would like to eliminate, change, or develop. ....Lose weight, , stop drinking, stop smoking, stop nagging, stop nail biting, stop interrupting, 
3. List any recurring activities you like to be involved....gardening, clubs, hobbies, reading, adventure travelling....

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Positive Afifrmations and Law of Attraction....World class teaching for how to use affirmation To attract Your Goal' raghuvanshi, in Chandigarh, India

Affirmations are easy to create and use,
 but you'll need dedication to make them work.
 Positive affirmations
 statements you say to yourself to counteract negative thoughts and beliefs.
 When we make a conscious effort to change our lives,
 positive affirmations feed us with positive energy.
Affirmations help us to
 let go of harmful
 hurtful beliefs that feed our mind
All of our self-talk or inner dialogue is a chain of Affirmation..... .
 Every thought we think every word we say is an Affirmation.  We are continually affirming subconsciously
 with our words and thoughts
 and this flow of affirmations is.............
creating our life situations  in every moment.
 Our beliefs are  learned thought patterns that
 we have developed since childhood,and growing up.....many of these work well for us,
 others may now be working against us.
Learn how to make your own positive thought and use Law of attraction......

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

"Law of Attraction and Power of Subconscious Mind"......Workshop regulerly at Energy healing guidance, Chandigarh, India...09872880634

A Wonder Technique ...Give yourself sometime  and attract  healing & nourishing , prosperity and harmony energy just for you.
Human beings carry within themselves the seed of healing, which can helps to attract abudence in life Our choices affect us more than we realize, & it is because of this that we tend to place responsibility for our wellness in the hands of others. As beneficial as regular visits to a healer can be, we have the power to heal ourselves at will. When we dedicate a day to the pursuit of wellness, we can relax & renew ourselves in a nourishing & comfortable environment. A sincere desire to open ourselves to the highest realities of our physical & spiritual selves is the key to self-healing so that healing energy can flow into us unimpeded. If you learn LAW of ATTRACTION WITH USE OF POWER OF SUBCONSCIOUS MIND...You can use universal energy for yourself.
A self-healing day should address the vital needs of the self as a whole while directing healing energy where it is needed most. Solitude is an important part of the process as is the ability to take refuge in a space that is both beautiful & peaceful. Start your healing day by setting the intention that you are dedicating this time to healing yourself.....then follow the technique and meditation given to you in our Workshop.


The law of attraction  means ... that every positive or negative event that happened with you was attracted by you..It  say's that any bad relationship which  gave you a hard time during the life. You attracted that, too. If getting a good job comes to you as you attracted that too, loosing your job is again the thing which is attracted by you, we are using the law every second of every day.......
But we must use this LOA  energy for our better future...
Learn with us how to use law of attraction and power of subconscious mind in your day to day life....

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Mind and Healing Power....Energy Healing Guidance SCO-365, FF, Sec-44-D, CHANDIGARH, INDIA .....A center where you can learn how to Use of Power of Subconscious Mind And LOA.....

A Mind  is the set of congnitive faculties that enables consciousness, perception, thinking, judgement, and memory—a character  of human, but which also  apply to other life forms.
A lengthy tradition of inquiries in philosophy, religion, psycology and congnitive science has sought to develop an understanding of what mind is and what are its distinguishing properties. The main questions regarding the nature of mind is its relation to the physical brain and nervous system –  the Mind -Body problem, which considers whether mind is somehow separate from physical existence....
But psychosomatic disorders  tells  us how much  mind -body related, in functioning of wellness.....

Monday, 25 November 2013

Law of attraction....What is this ??? How it works ??? Learn in very effective and simple way with dr.vandana Energy Healing Guidance, CHANDIGARH, INDIA

Very simply explained in very simple words.......
“The best way to overcome undesirable or negative thoughts and feelings is to cultivate the positive ones.”- William Walker Atkinson

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Brain and Power of Subconscious Mind....09872880634

The human brain is the central control of the nervous system and is highly complex. 
The largest part of the brain is the cerebrum which contains the cerebral cortex. Human have a highly developed frontal lobe that is involved in executive functions such as self-control, planning, reasoning, and abstract thought.Right and Left brain governs different functions.
To develop capability to attract abundance according to law of attraction, Power of Subconscious mind is very useful.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

World Class Power of Subconscious Mind Course ....In Chandigarh, India

The subconscious does not reason,  nor can it tell the difference between the past, present nor future. It is always in the present.
A trauma that happened many  years ago can still remain hidden in the subconscious as if it were still happening. When  accumulated many subconscious conflicts can  weigh us down and when released its possible to actually feel physically lighter.
Long term subconscious traumas  are behind mental and physical illness. Every emotion has a physical response in the body and brain.It is stored in form of cellular memory.With learning  of power of subconscious mind , you can learn to store only positive thoughts and bring abundance in life.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Trainer for "Power of Subconscious Mind" in Chandigarh , India.....About dr.vandana raghuvanshi

Dr. Vandana Raghuvanshi
Director Energy Healing Guidance
Surgeon, Past Life Regression & Hypnotherapist,
Reiki Grand Master & Pranic Healer.
Power of Subconscious Mind Trainer
Magnified healer and Teacher
Crystal Healer
Dowsing Teacher and Dowser
Teacher for Crystal ball gazing
Trainer for Forgiveness
World class trainer for how to attract abundance
EFT/ ERT[Emotional release therapy ] Trainer
Medical Vedic astrologer

·           Past life regression & hypnotherapy:   Successfully doing past life regression, children’s past life sessions,
  past life therapy for phobia, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, sadness unexplained
  physical health problems, relationship issues, spiritual advancement, guidance from    master.
  LBL (Life between Lives) session, age regression, anti natal (in womb) regression, Inner child healing , Re-Birthing cleansing of  present physical body Aura and Chakra before regression,
 SRT (Spirit Releasement Therapy)
. As a spiritual healer she does healing work in Past Life Session for forgiveness and  
 disconnection of disharmony cords, removal of negative energy from past life and SRT in past life therapy session
*Teaching Reiki Level 1,2 Level
,3rd degree (Karuna Reiki),
Grand mastership
magnified healing
, Dowsing,
 EFT (Emotional Release Therapy),
 Crystal ball gazing
, Activation of third eye,
 Crystal healing,
 Forgiveness healing,
 How to attract abundance  Workshop
Power of Subconscious mind.
·    Healing: facilties provides.....
 Aura cleansing & aura healing
Distant healing
 chakra cleansing, activating, radiating and balancing
Pranic healing for
 endocrine disorder healing example: PCOD, Infertility, Hypothyroidism, Diabetes, Asthma etc
.Karmic healing.
Healing as SRT
Healing for relationship issues
Healing for negative energy removal
Healing by three fold flame
Healing for group event
Emotional release therapy session
Healing for home and office for negative energy
Highly charged amazing quratz/ crystals for all purpose for sale


Saturday, 16 November 2013

World class course for Power of subconscious mind and law of Chandigarh, India....09872880634

Read somewhere, like to share...
The Law of Belief and how you can change your concepts to attract good luck and positivity after learning Power of Subconscious mind ...

Beliefs are concepts that you consider real & true, and you do not question them, even though they have no logical explanation. If we believe in something strongly, if we think that we can achieve something, then we will. What we believe will come true. 

We can classify beliefs into five groups: 

Beliefs about defects & weaknesses: These beliefs produce thoughts in our consciousness like: "I am no good", "I cannot do this", "I am useless", "I won't manage to complete it". 

Beliefs of survival: These beliefs produce thoughts such as: "Life is short. Get whatever you can at any cost whenever you can". Life.s decisions are taken based on these beliefs without taking into the account the repercussions (effects) they may have on our health, our relationships & our future. 

Beliefs that create blocks: When we label someone, we are no longer open to try & understand them. For example: "My boss is really egoistic". This type of belief blocks the flow of our positive energy & stops us from connecting openly with these people. 

Beliefs that strengthen the self: For example: "I am capable", "I can do it", "There is nothing I cannot be or do if I really want to", "I will overcome the difficulties & meet the challenge". 

True beliefs about ourselves: They are connected to eternal certain truths, such as: "I am a spiritual being, I am eternal. God is my spiritual father". 

To assure us that a belief is true, we must first believe in it. Then we check it in our consciousness & if a belief is true it will become an experience. If this does not happen, we are doing something wrong or this belief is not correct.

Friday, 15 November 2013


Positive Thinking...
  • Optimism, a mental attitude or world view that interprets situations and events as being best.
Negative thoughts drain you of energy and keep you from being in the present moment. The more you give in to your negative thoughts, the stronger they become. I like the imagery of a small ball rolling along the ground, and as it rolls, it becomes bigger and faster.
That’s what one small negative thought can turn into: a huge, speeding ball of ugliness. On the contrary, a small positive thought can have the same effect blossoming into a beautiful outcome.

The health benefits of positive thinking

Researchers continue to explore the effects of positive thinking and optimism on health. Health benefits that positive thinking may provide include:
  • Increased life span
  • Lower rates of depression , brings feeling of happiness
  • Lower levels of distress/ anxity /stress
  • Greater resistance to the common cold/ viral fever /allergy 
  • Better psychological and physical well-being, better adjustment with family
  • Reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease/ chronic illness
  • Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress, increased inner confidence, increased will power

How you can use your power of subconscious mind....Learn it from us.....Energy healing guidance, Chandigarh, India...09872880634

What is The unconscious and subconscious mind ?
Many people  confuse the subconscious and unconscious mind. Some think that unconscious means knocked out. Sigmund Freud distinguished the differences in the two by stating that the subconscious mind is a place in the mind, just below our conscious mind where we store easily accessed information. The unconscious mind, however is where repressed memories are stored. For example, when you want to remember someone’s name, you would access it via you subconscious mind. That is to say, that the name isn’t simply floating around in your conscious mind, but rather it can be access by recalling the memory of it. Your unconscious mind, on the other hand, is where you place traumatic memories. Memories that may be damaging to your psyche....
Learning how to use your subconscious mind and make a positive connection in your conscious and subconscious mind bring ...positive changes in can attract abundance, prosperity.....

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Course for Power of Subconscious Mind and Law of Attraction in Chandigarh, India

The learning of Law of attaction and power of suconscious mind we learn that our own thoughts govers our life.Our conscious mind is the wathchman  to the gates of the subconscious. It is the conscious mind’s role to make sure that only the highest quality thoughts gain entrance to the subconscious. After learning about power of subconscious mind and law of attraction ,types of thoughts  gain entrance to the subconscious mind will eventually manifest in our life, we become very watchful  in monitoring and directing our thoughts.

Power of Subconscious Mind Work shop in Chandigarh, India

Learn power of subconscious mind and The Law of Attraction is all about prosperity, affirmations, abundance, metaphysics, quantum physics, positive thinking and vibrations......World class course at... ENERGY HEALING GUIDANCE, CHANDIGARH, INDIA....09872880634

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

How our Power of Subconscious Mind Works....Energy healing guidance , Chandigarh...An Center where you can learn for soul journey enhancement..

The law of attraction is the name given to the belief that "like attracts like" and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results. This belief is based upon the idea that people and their thoughts are both made from pure energy, and the belief that like energy attracts like energy. One example used by a proponent of the law of attraction is that if a person opened an envelope expecting to see a bill, then the law of attraction would "confirm" those thoughts and contain a bill when opened. A person who decided to instead expect a cheque might, under the same law, find a cheque instead of a bill.

Thomas Troward, who was a strong influence in the New Thought Movement, claimed that thought precedes physical form and "the action of Mind plants that nucleus which, if allowed to grow undisturbed, will eventually attract to itself all the conditions necessary for its manifestation in outward visible form."
From 1901 to 1912 the English New Thought writer James Allen wrote a series of books and articles, after which his wife Lilly continued his work. Allen is best known for writing "As a Man Thinketh" in 1902.
In 1906, William Walker Atkinson (1862–1932) used the phrase in his New Thought Movement book Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World, stating that "like attracts like. The following year, Elizabeth Towne, the editor of The Nautilus Magazine, a Journal of New Thought, published Bruce MacLelland's prosperity theology book Prosperity Through Thought Force, in which he summarized the principle as "You are what you think, not what you think you are."
Richard Weiss states in his book, The American Myth of Success, that the "principle of "non-resistance" is a popular concept of the New Thought movement and is taught in conjunction with the law of attraction.
The phrase "law of attraction" appeared in the writings of the Theosophical authors William Quan Judge in 1915, and Annie Besant in 1919. Besant compared her version of the 'law of attraction' to gravitation, and said that the law represented a form of karma.
Israel Regardie published many books with the Law of Attraction theme as one of his prevailing Universal Laws. His book, The Art of True Healing: A Treatise on the Mechanism of Prayer and the Operation of the Law of Attraction in Nature (1937), taught a focused meditation technique to help the mind to learn to heal itself on both a physical and spiritual level. Regardie claimed further that The Law of Attraction was not only a valid method for attracting good physical health but for improvement in any other aspect of one's life.
Napoleon Hill published two books on the theme. The first was The Law of Success in 16 Lessons (1928), which directly and repeatedly referenced the law of attraction and proposed that it operates by use of radio waves transmitted by the brain. Then in 1937, he published Think and Grow Rich, which went on to become one of the best selling books of all time, selling over 60 million copies. In this book, Hill insisted on the importance of controlling one's own thoughts in order to achieve success, as well as the energy that thoughts have and their ability to attract other thoughts. In the beginning of the book, Hill mentions a "secret" to success and promises to indirectly describe it at least once in every chapter of the book. It is never named directly, for he says that discovering it on one's own is far more beneficial. Many people have argued over what the secret actually is, some claiming that it is the law of attraction. Hill states the "secret" to which he refers is mentioned no fewer than a hundred times, yet reference to "attract" is used less than 30 times in the text. Most students of the book claim the secret is hidden in its title: THINK (i.e., thinking the right thoughts).
After this, the book Three Magic Words (1954) by American author U.S. Anderson became a forerunner of the current claims regarding the subconscious mind and the law of attraction.[15] This work was expanded upon by W. Clement Stone in Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude.
The Secret (2006) was a film based on the law of attraction. It was then developed into a book of the same title in 2007. The movie and book gained widespread attention in the media, from such diverse outlets as Saturday Night Live to The Oprah Winfrey Show in the United States; Winfrey devoted two episodes of her show to discussing the film and the law of attraction, talk show host Larry King also discussed it on his show with Bob Solis, but criticized it for several reasons, pointing to the sufferings in the world and asking: "If the Universe manifests abundance at a mere thought, why is there so much poverty, starvation, and death?
In August 2008, Esther and Jerry Hicks' book Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness appeared on the New York Times Best Seller list.
[This information is taken from Wikipedia ]

Power of Subconscious Mind Course helps you to overcome by following things.Learn The course of" Power of subconscious mind" in Chandigarh, India

Power of Subconscious Mind Course in Chandigarh, India


Affirmations in  New Age terminology refers primarily to the practice of positive thinking and self-empowerment—fostering a belief that "a positive mental attitude supported by affirmations will achieve success in anything." More specifically, an affirmation is a carefully formatted statement that should be repeated to one's self and written down frequently. For an affirmation to be effective, it needs to be present tense, positive, personal and specific. In our Power of subconscious mind course, we teach you how to make a very effective affermation and how to use it, to fulfill your goal in life.The law of attraction is the name given to the belief that "like attracts like" and that by focusing on positive , one can bring about positive results in life.