Saturday, 29 November 2014

Law of attraction classes to overcome negative habits and attract positivity..

To overcome a negative habit, we have to ensure that the intellect is strong & stable enough to lead the mind with knowledge & comprehension. In this way, transformation is more deep & lasting, creates satisfaction & fullness, and greatly improves our self-esteem. Our mind, which is under the influence of an old program, must be left in no doubt that "I", the original personality, no longer wants to go down that old road. We must have the strong determination to create a new thought pattern; this will also be recorded on our memory bank. This new register will help us to avoid taking up the old habits the next time something similar happens. For a period of time the 2 thought patterns, the old & the new, will exist alongside each other. To achieve a long-lasting transformation, we should not suppress our mind & immediately eliminate all the habits or tendencies to which the mind has become accustomed to. If we do this, the mind will begin to cry & make a fuss, & finally, the moment we lower our guard & stop paying attention, the old habits will emerge again & drag our mind towards automatic thoughts & actions so that, almost without us realising, we are once again immersed in our old way of thinking & doing. 

We have an alternative: creating thoughts of a greater quality that emerge from a new conscience. In this way, thanks to these positive thoughts, full of love, harmony & creativity, the mind will start to cleanse itself, replacing the old habits & negative tendencies in a totally natural way. The positive thought that preceded the positive action is still conscious, but the more we repeat the positive action the less conscious we are of the thought that created it. The time comes when we don't know why we are doing whatever we are doing: it has become a positive habit. 

Thursday, 27 November 2014

When we feel we are not making progress, we can encourage ourselves to take a moment to rest. We can meditate more, feed ourselves well, & get extra sleep. Before we know it, we will be spurred on to work toward the next level of our development, & this rest will make sense then as something we needed in order to continue. 

Thursday, 6 November 2014

dr.vandana raghuvanshi, body , mind and soul therapist, India

Closely linked to the power of tolerance, the power to accommodate means having a heart so big & generous that I am able to rise above all differences of character &d personality while interacting with other soul actors, knowing that every actor in the enormous drama of existence has a unique personality, contribution & role to play. Whereas tolerance heals wounds & removes hurt, accommodation accepts & values differences, observing them & ultimately absorbing them in my love, as an ocean absorbs the rivers that flow into it. While completing my own part as a river, I also need to be aware of God as the Ocean of Love & the Ocean of Wisdom & I as the master Ocean of Love. When I enter this consciousness through meditation, the goodness of all other soul actors becomes clear to me very naturally, and it is no effort for me to go beyond conflict and clashes of opinion. 

Sunday, 2 November 2014


People enjoy the company of individuals whose attitudes are persistently negative. Yet many of us tolerate the critical chatter that can originate within our own minds. Since we are so used to the stream of self-limiting, critical consciousness that winds its way through our thoughts, we are often unaware of the impact these musings have on our lives. It is only when we become aware of the power of such thoughts that we can divest ourselves of them & fill the emptiness they leave with loving, peaceful affirmations. Many people, upon paying careful attention to their thinking patterns, are surprised at the negativity they find there. But when we take notice of involuntary thoughts in a nonjudgmental way, we initiate a healing process that will eventually allow us to replace intimidating & upsetting self-talk with positive, empowering thoughts. 

While the occasional downbeat or judgmental thought may have little impact on your contentment, the ongoing negativity that passes unnoticed can have a dampening effect on your mood & your outlook. When you are aware of the tone of your thoughts, however, you can challenge them. Try to be conscious of your feelings, opinions & judgments for a single day. From morning to evening, scrutinize the messages you are feeding into your subconscious mind. Consider your thoughts from the perspective of a detached observer & try not to judge yourself based on the notions that come unbidden into your mind. Simply watch the flow of your consciousness & make a note of the number of times you find yourself focusing on gloomy notions or indulging in self-directed criticism.