Learn to use Your own Power of Subconscious Mind & Law of Attraction and bring Abundance, Good Luck, Prosperity, Harmony in relationship,Increased Intuition Power, Increased Memory and Concentration, Increase Will Power to Achieve your Goal with dr.vandana raghuvanshi, life coach , spiritual healer & law of attraction trainer in world Dial...09872880634
Wednesday, 17 December 2014
The longer we are able to hold a positive thought, the stronger that energy around us becomes. If we make no effort at all, our thoughts usually scatter in a vast array of directions. They start & stop & move in surprising ways from one second to the next. If we try to follow our thoughts without controlling them, we will be amazed at how truly inconsistent they are. Yet, if we apply our minds to a specific task, especially one that interests us, they gather together & allow us to focus our attention, creating great power & energy. This is what is known as pure thought, because it is undistracted. The law of attraction—like attracts like—influences all energy, including our thoughts, & this is what makes pure thought so potent. Our undistracted thoughts create a powerful magnet that draws similar energy into our vibrational field. As a result, the longer we are able to hold positive thoughts in our minds, the more powerful the positive energy around us becomes. We don’t need to focus on action & controlling so much when we are surrounded by energy that draws what we want toward us. We can simply respond to the opportunities that naturally come our way. When this is the essence of our experience, we can go with the flow, knowing that we will be okay. If pure thought is a body, it is our emotions that supply the heart that can really bring it to life. Our thoughts & feelings exist in relation to one another, & they form a feedback loop through which they communicate & empower each other. When we hold a thought in our mind without being distracted, we have achieved pure thought. When we have a positive emotional response to that thought, we enable it to dance & move & breathe itself into existence.
Sunday, 14 December 2014
It is amazing how often we can get in our own way without even being aware that we are doing so. Even though we truly want to succeed, there are many reasons why we may sometimes block our own efforts. It may be that we are afraid to succeed, so we subconsciously create circumstances to keep ourselves stuck. Or it may even be that we are afraid that we will succeed, so we block ourselves by making the achievement of our goals more difficult than they really are. We may even approach our goals in a way that keeps creating the same unsuccessful results. If you believe that you’ve been standing in your own way, you may want to take a piece of paper & record how you’ve done so. Write down the choices you’ve made that have hindered your efforts & the fears that may have prompted you to make these decisions. Take note of any thoughts & feelings that arise. It is important to be gentle & compassionate during this process. Try not to blame yourself for getting in your own way. Remember the choices we make always are there to serve us, until it is time to let them go. When you are finished, throw the paper away while setting an intention that you are getting rid of any obstacles you’ve created to block yourself. You can then let yourself start again with a clean slate. Doubts & fears are going to be natural, but with this new awareness, you should be able to prevent yourself from subconsciously thwarting yourself. Besides, now that you’ve decided to get out of your own way, the part of you that has always wanted to succeed can now do so.
Saturday, 13 December 2014
THERAPY FOR OCD....09872880634
The next time you find yourself wanting to react, try to pause & in that pause, take a deep breath. Feel your feet on the floor, the air on your skin & listen for a response to arise within you, rather than just going with the first thing that pops into your head. You may find that in that moment, there is the potential to move beyond reaction and into the more subtle & creative realm of response, where something new can happen.
Wednesday, 10 December 2014
Whenever people come into our lives, they have come for a reason, to show us something about ourselves that we have not been able to see. When unhealthy people try to hook us into their patterns with mind games & power trips, we can remind ourselves that we have something to learn here & that a part of us is calling out for healing. This takes the focus off the troubling individual & puts it back on us, giving us the opportunity to change the situation from the inside out.
Saturday, 29 November 2014
Law of attraction classes to overcome negative habits and attract positivity..
To overcome a negative habit, we have to ensure that the intellect is strong & stable enough to lead the mind with knowledge & comprehension. In this way, transformation is more deep & lasting, creates satisfaction & fullness, and greatly improves our self-esteem. Our mind, which is under the influence of an old program, must be left in no doubt that "I", the original personality, no longer wants to go down that old road. We must have the strong determination to create a new thought pattern; this will also be recorded on our memory bank. This new register will help us to avoid taking up the old habits the next time something similar happens. For a period of time the 2 thought patterns, the old & the new, will exist alongside each other. To achieve a long-lasting transformation, we should not suppress our mind & immediately eliminate all the habits or tendencies to which the mind has become accustomed to. If we do this, the mind will begin to cry & make a fuss, & finally, the moment we lower our guard & stop paying attention, the old habits will emerge again & drag our mind towards automatic thoughts & actions so that, almost without us realising, we are once again immersed in our old way of thinking & doing.
We have an alternative: creating thoughts of a greater quality that emerge from a new conscience. In this way, thanks to these positive thoughts, full of love, harmony & creativity, the mind will start to cleanse itself, replacing the old habits & negative tendencies in a totally natural way. The positive thought that preceded the positive action is still conscious, but the more we repeat the positive action the less conscious we are of the thought that created it. The time comes when we don't know why we are doing whatever we are doing: it has become a positive habit.
We have an alternative: creating thoughts of a greater quality that emerge from a new conscience. In this way, thanks to these positive thoughts, full of love, harmony & creativity, the mind will start to cleanse itself, replacing the old habits & negative tendencies in a totally natural way. The positive thought that preceded the positive action is still conscious, but the more we repeat the positive action the less conscious we are of the thought that created it. The time comes when we don't know why we are doing whatever we are doing: it has become a positive habit.
Thursday, 27 November 2014
When we feel we are not making progress, we can encourage ourselves to take a moment to rest. We can meditate more, feed ourselves well, & get extra sleep. Before we know it, we will be spurred on to work toward the next level of our development, & this rest will make sense then as something we needed in order to continue.
Saturday, 22 November 2014
Controlling Your Emotions There are 5 essential steps to emotional control & mastery. Although the complete process will finally happen in a few seconds in real life, it is essential for our learning to break it down & see what is required at every step. Step One – Awareness This simply means being aware of the emergence of the subtlest (finest) of emotions, which, if left unchecked, will grow into important disturbances. For example irritation leads to frustration leads to anger leads to rage. Step Two – Acknowledge Which means taking responsibility for the emotion by understanding & acknowledging that I am the creator of the emotion, not someone or something else. Step three – Acceptance Fully accept the presence of the emotion without resisting (opposing) it in any way. If it is resisted it simply becomes stronger, or is suppressed for another day. Step Four – Ascend This is the moment of full detachment from both the emotion & the inner source of emotion. In the process of detached observation the emotion is losing its power. And it is only through detached observation that the emotion will begin to dissolve. Step Five – Attune This means returning our attention to the very centre of ourselves where our inner peace & power are to be found. This is the purpose of meditation.
Thursday, 6 November 2014
dr.vandana raghuvanshi, body , mind and soul therapist, India
Closely linked to the power of tolerance, the power to accommodate means having a heart so big & generous that I am able to rise above all differences of character &d personality while interacting with other soul actors, knowing that every actor in the enormous drama of existence has a unique personality, contribution & role to play. Whereas tolerance heals wounds & removes hurt, accommodation accepts & values differences, observing them & ultimately absorbing them in my love, as an ocean absorbs the rivers that flow into it. While completing my own part as a river, I also need to be aware of God as the Ocean of Love & the Ocean of Wisdom & I as the master Ocean of Love. When I enter this consciousness through meditation, the goodness of all other soul actors becomes clear to me very naturally, and it is no effort for me to go beyond conflict and clashes of opinion.
Sunday, 2 November 2014
People enjoy the company of individuals whose attitudes are persistently negative. Yet many of us tolerate the critical chatter that can originate within our own minds. Since we are so used to the stream of self-limiting, critical consciousness that winds its way through our thoughts, we are often unaware of the impact these musings have on our lives. It is only when we become aware of the power of such thoughts that we can divest ourselves of them & fill the emptiness they leave with loving, peaceful affirmations. Many people, upon paying careful attention to their thinking patterns, are surprised at the negativity they find there. But when we take notice of involuntary thoughts in a nonjudgmental way, we initiate a healing process that will eventually allow us to replace intimidating & upsetting self-talk with positive, empowering thoughts.
While the occasional downbeat or judgmental thought may have little impact on your contentment, the ongoing negativity that passes unnoticed can have a dampening effect on your mood & your outlook. When you are aware of the tone of your thoughts, however, you can challenge them. Try to be conscious of your feelings, opinions & judgments for a single day. From morning to evening, scrutinize the messages you are feeding into your subconscious mind. Consider your thoughts from the perspective of a detached observer & try not to judge yourself based on the notions that come unbidden into your mind. Simply watch the flow of your consciousness & make a note of the number of times you find yourself focusing on gloomy notions or indulging in self-directed criticism.
While the occasional downbeat or judgmental thought may have little impact on your contentment, the ongoing negativity that passes unnoticed can have a dampening effect on your mood & your outlook. When you are aware of the tone of your thoughts, however, you can challenge them. Try to be conscious of your feelings, opinions & judgments for a single day. From morning to evening, scrutinize the messages you are feeding into your subconscious mind. Consider your thoughts from the perspective of a detached observer & try not to judge yourself based on the notions that come unbidden into your mind. Simply watch the flow of your consciousness & make a note of the number of times you find yourself focusing on gloomy notions or indulging in self-directed criticism.
Friday, 10 October 2014
The universe wants to see you accomplish your goals. No matter how long you’ve dallied or hesitated, it will always be there to put its plan for you in motion at the first sign of your faith. You can make the most of this aid by acquiescing to it rather than fighting it—nurture your dreams but do not attempt to micromanage every detail along the way. The universe will provide you with guidance & if you heed that guidance, you will find your formerly stressful quest for success will become a journey of great joy.
Sunday, 5 October 2014
Our nervous system and Immune system are connection between our physical body and subtle energy body. When there is any disorders related to nervous and immune system, there is a very significant imbalance of energy in the system.In our body Masculine and feminine energy [ yin and yan] need to in balance. The more severe the disease more imbalance of both energy. In Energy healing session, person becomes aware of the imbalance , in form of different body sensations, like...heaviness, jerks, lightness. The wareness and release helps in integrating the two energy and results in healing.
Sunday, 7 September 2014
dr.vandana raghuvanshi....
Dear Friends,
I am in Chandigarh. For personal sessions on Past Life Regression, Life between lives [ LBL] session, Age -regression, Inner Child Healing,Inner critic healing ,Hypnotherapy,Holistic healing,Chakra healing, Re-birthing Breath work, Magnified healing, Crystal Healing ,Neuro-lingustic programming [NLP], Aura scanning & Aura healing, Pranic healing,Forgiveness healing & Dousing, EFT. contact at ..09872880634 ..mail...lightdivine28@yahoo.com
Sunday, 31 August 2014
Be free from your own limilations in your mind, thoughts .....law of attraction workshop with use of power of subconscious mind, Chandigarh , India
When that elephant was just a baby & not very strong, it was tied by a huge chain to an iron stake that could not be moved. Regardless of how hard it tried, it could not break the chain & run free. After it a while it just gave up. Later, when it is strong, it never attempts to break free. The "imprint" is permanent. "I can't! I can't!' it says.
There are millions of people who behave like this creature of the circus. They have been bound, tied & told "You'll never make it," so many times they finally call it quits. They may have dreams, but the "imprinting" keeps pulling them back.
Today, eliminate the source of your limitations. When you mentally break free, the boundaries will be removed from your future.
Read somewhere , like to share......
Resisting From Playing The Blame Game
A very common negative habit that some of us possess is blaming others when required, either in the family or at the workplace, to save face & gain temporary respect, even if it is at the expense of someone loosing face & being disrespected. It is a very common occurrence in offices when an issue arises between people, before the issue is taken up with the head of the particular department or the office, one of the two people involved in the conflict, who is more at fault, will present his case to the head in such a way so as to blame the other & to free himself & maintain his reputation in the office & find favor with the head.
Let us look it from a higher level. The person who blames is attached to an image of himself being as being extremely efficient & well-respected at the workplace, who never does anything wrong or incorrectly. He identifies with this image completely & because of that is very attached to it. In the above scenario, if he lets his mistake come out in the open, this internal image, which he carries, would get tarnished (harmed), something which he is in love with. So there is attachment & because of that there is fear of loss or harm to the object to which there is attachment, the image in this case. This image, which is so defined in spiritual language, is called reputation in common language. Also, there is attachment with an internal image of being more successful by getting a possible promotion & progressing at the workplace in the future. This image is also about to get damaged since the job might be lost or a promotion might be stopped. So there is attachment to this second image & fear of harm to this image also. To protect these two images, the person plays the blame game. The Law of Karma, though, does catch up sooner or later with such a person and with such behavior. Being honest may cause temporary harm to these two internal images or reputation as defined above, but one remains safe according to karmic principles in the long run & the temporary harm, if any, is undone & respect regained.
A very common negative habit that some of us possess is blaming others when required, either in the family or at the workplace, to save face & gain temporary respect, even if it is at the expense of someone loosing face & being disrespected. It is a very common occurrence in offices when an issue arises between people, before the issue is taken up with the head of the particular department or the office, one of the two people involved in the conflict, who is more at fault, will present his case to the head in such a way so as to blame the other & to free himself & maintain his reputation in the office & find favor with the head.
Let us look it from a higher level. The person who blames is attached to an image of himself being as being extremely efficient & well-respected at the workplace, who never does anything wrong or incorrectly. He identifies with this image completely & because of that is very attached to it. In the above scenario, if he lets his mistake come out in the open, this internal image, which he carries, would get tarnished (harmed), something which he is in love with. So there is attachment & because of that there is fear of loss or harm to the object to which there is attachment, the image in this case. This image, which is so defined in spiritual language, is called reputation in common language. Also, there is attachment with an internal image of being more successful by getting a possible promotion & progressing at the workplace in the future. This image is also about to get damaged since the job might be lost or a promotion might be stopped. So there is attachment to this second image & fear of harm to this image also. To protect these two images, the person plays the blame game. The Law of Karma, though, does catch up sooner or later with such a person and with such behavior. Being honest may cause temporary harm to these two internal images or reputation as defined above, but one remains safe according to karmic principles in the long run & the temporary harm, if any, is undone & respect regained.
Saturday, 30 August 2014
A wonderful past life regression session story....
A beautiful Journey: Past Life Regression , everyone will love to read.
An interesting regression. Will try to write in short. A young, married women, age30 yrs, married, topper in studies...very beautiful... Looks seems combination of beautiful features...only single session done, three lives covered...instant regression..
.1st life.
Year 1140...i
am a girl, wearing dear
skin cloths, age
25 years, living in Gangotri, an ashram, since childhood, as I am an orphan, but most cared by others in ashram.
This ashram is having Shiva statue. I have taken diksha. I am a Brahma Chari.
We are going kashi for Kashi Vishwanath Darshan with our head of the ashram. I
stayed there, then I went to Lumbvini, it is in Nepal. I stayed and did have
siddhiya by tapsya. I am a bhikhshuni... I meditate whole day. I see now we all
are going to bless a marriage ceremony in patliputra.it is a very big palace.
We are blessing the boy, who is to be married. His name is dhritu. I am 35 year
old now. When dhritu saw me, he refused to get married to the other girl. A lot
of things are happening. We are coming back. His father is standing with us with
folded hand. Some one from us is telling something. Regarding marriage, I am
too upset to listen these things. We are leaving the patliputra.but I did not
accepted dhritu proposal. But I know, I liked the thought of his love for me. I
am varying sad. Meri tapsya bhang ho gayi, toot gayi... now I am in kashi sang math.
I am 50 years old. I am head. I am sick. Mera dil me khrabi hay. Breathing
problem hai. Dhritu is here to take care math and me. He is still unmarried. He
devoted his life for me.
(.actually dhritu is my life husband.).......then death...lesson
learned...duty is important.
2nd life......
.year.1803 I am a beautiful girl in Palestine area. They are
calling me malika. I have four brothers, my father is very rich. I am very much
pampered. I am very proud, in nature. An Indian man comes to teach me sitar.
Now we love each other. Abbas, my elder brother now know this. I am too sad.
Abbas killed my sitar teacher. Sitar teacher was in fact dhritu, of last life;
he is my present life husband. I am. Going to Paris for change but not happy. Time is
passing. I am not ready to come back. Abbas is sad. He takes so much pains, comes
to meet me. His wife also comes. Now I
understands my brothers love for me, so
I am getting married
to some one
my family choose. A lot of story......................death.
Lesson learned............be compassionate.
(Two very imp
present life people...Abbas, the brother and his son and Ayaa.The
mousi in
this life. Integrated in this
3rd life
i am a girl, 12
year, golden hair, my name is rose. I am
on ship with my nanny (caretaker). My mother is dead, so my father is sending
me to my grand parents, I am leaving Lahore.my father do some work there. I am
growing in beautiful women. I study and good in it. My grandfather is dead. I
live with my grand mother and nanny.my house is beautiful. I am happy, I love
someone, and he loves me. Actually (you know... he is the same dhritu&
sitar teacher). I am going somewhere. It is big building, it is airport. My friend
came to airport to see me off. I am upset. I complained about my father to
govt. I think he is a spy. Some Budapest regency...Nazi...these thoughts are
coming in mind. Oh, I want to tell my father, what I did. Oh ...my father is here.
At airport. He is coming. Ahhhhh. He shot me.i am dead. He killed himself. My
lover...he is so sad...lesson. Learned.....i should not have taken a hasty decision
.one should make proper inquiry, before any conclusion .he was not a wrong man. I am
feeling uselessness now.....very long silence....
After PLR: Reorientation and integration....
Very much
scared at airport. Chest problems without medical cause. Chest hurts a lot
without any reason.
Some azeeb sa birth mark on chest. In this time.
Present husband......they met at airport. He came to pick
her, official work. Not known.to each other.it was love at first site for both.
In this life also uska rokaa ho chukka tha.he refused for that rishta. They got
married with efforts of Mamaji of her husband. Mamaji was father of dhritu in
She feels very much connected with Lahore, London and Paris.
Four other relations in present life were in other lives.
Conclusion....dhritu (1140), sitar teacher (1803), a friend
and love (1932)...is same person.... all the time and husband in this life...
Dr. Vandana Singh Raghuvanshi, Chandigarh...09872880634
Friday, 22 August 2014
Hypnotherapist in Chandigarh...for more information call at...9872880634
Benefits that can be attained through Hypnosis ........
Ø Increased relaxation and the elimination of tension
Ø Increased and focused concentration
Ø Improved memory (Hypermnesia)
Ø Improved reflexes
Ø Increased self-confidence
Ø Pain Control
Ø Improved Sex Life
Ø Increased organization and efficiency
Ø Increased motivation
Ø Improved interpersonal relationships
Ø Slowing down the aging process
Ø Facilitating s better career path
Ø Elimination of anxiety and depression
Ø Overcoming bereavement
Ø Elimination of headaches, including migraine headaches
Ø Elimination of allergies and skin disorders
Ø Strengthening one’s immune system to resist any disease
Ø Elimination of habits, phobias, and other negative tendencies (self-defeating sequences)
Ø Improving decisiveness
Ø Improving the quality of people and circumstances in general, that you attract into your life
Ø Increasing your ability to earn and hold onto money
Ø Overcoming obsessive-compulsive behavior
Ø Eliminating Insomnia
Ø Improving the overall quality of your life
Ø Improved psychic awareness
Ø Establishing and maintaining harmony of body, mind and spirit
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
dr.vandana raghuvanshi, law of attraction trainer, life coach, past life therapist, India
Dr. Vandana Raghuvanshi
Director Energy Healing Guidance
Surgeon, Past Life Regression & Hypnotherapist,
Neuro-Linguistic Program(NLP) Therapist
Reiki Grand Master & Pranic Healer.
Power of Subconscious Mind Trainer
Magnified healer and Teacher
Crystal Healer
Dowsing Teacher and Dowser
Teacher for Crystal ball gazing
Trainer for Forgiveness
World class trainer for how to attract abundance....Law of attraction trainer
EFT/ ERT[Emotional release therapy ] Trainer
Medical Vedic astrologer
· >Past life regression & hypnotherapy: Successfully doing past life regression,
children’s past life sessions,
> past life
therapy for phobia, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, sadness unexplained
physical health
problems, relationship issues, spiritual advancement, guidance from master.
> LBL (Life between Lives) session, age regression, anti
natal (in womb) regression, Inner child healing, >Re-Birthing cleansing
of present physical body Aura and Chakra
before regression,
>SRT (Spirit
Releasement Therapy)
. >As a spiritual healer she does healing work in Past Life
Session for forgiveness and disconnection of disharmony cords, removal of
negative energy from past life and SRT in past life therapy session
> NLP therapy for nail biting, bed wetting, goal setting, eating disorders and to increase confidence and NLP for sports person.
> Hypnotherapy for phobia, alcohol, addictions, anxiety, stammering, stage fright, insomnia
> NLP therapy for nail biting, bed wetting, goal setting, eating disorders and to increase confidence and NLP for sports person.
> Hypnotherapy for phobia, alcohol, addictions, anxiety, stammering, stage fright, insomnia
*Teaching Reiki Level 1,2 Level
,3rd degree (Karuna Reiki),
Grand mastership
magnified healing
, Dowsing,
EFT (Emotional
Release Therapy),
Crystal ball gazing
, Activation of third eye,
Crystal healing,
Forgiveness healing,
How to attract
abundance Workshop...Law of attraction trainer
Power of Subconscious mind.
· Healing:
facilties provides.....
Aura cleansing &
aura healing
Distant healing
Chakra cleansing,
activating, radiating and balancing
Pranic healing for
endocrine disorder
healing example: PCOD, Infertility, Hypothyroidism, Diabetes, Asthma etc
.Karmic healing.
Healing as SRT
Healing for relationship issues
Healing for negative energy removal
Healing by three fold flame
Healing for group event
Emotional release therapy session
Healing for home and office for negative energy
Highly charged amazing quratz/ crystals for all purpose for
Tuesday, 22 July 2014
law of attraction workshop every sunday at energy healing guidance, sco 365, ff, sec 44-d, Chandigarh..for more information...call....09872880634
Learning to accept the things that we perceive as wrong can be a difficult task for many of us. Often we have been brought up to accept that it is normal to feel guilty about our actions & that by doing so we will make everything seem alright within ourselves. Even though we might feel that we have a reason to make up for the choices we have made, it is much more important for us to learn how to deal with them in a healthy & +ve way, such as through forgiveness &understanding.
When we can look back at our past & really assess what has happened, we begin to realize that there are many dimensions to our actions. While feeling guilty might assuage our feelings at first, it is really only a short-term solution. It is all too ironic that being hard on ourselves is the easy way out. If we truly are able to gaze upon our lives through the lens of compassion, however, we will be able to see that there is much more to what we do & have done than we realize. Perhaps we were simply trying to protect ourselves or others & did the best we could at the time, or maybe we thought we had no other recourse & chose a solution in the heat of the moment. Once we can understand that dwelling in our -ve feelings will only make us feel worse, we will come to recognize that it is really only through forgiving ourselves that we can transform our feelings & truly heal any resentment we have about our past.
Giving ourselves permission to feel at peace with our past actions is one of the most +ve steps we can take toward living a life free from regrets, disappointments & guilt. The more we are able to remind ourselves that the true path to a peaceful mind & heart is through acceptance of every part of our lives & actions, the more harmony & inner joy we will experience in all aspects of our lives
When we can look back at our past & really assess what has happened, we begin to realize that there are many dimensions to our actions. While feeling guilty might assuage our feelings at first, it is really only a short-term solution. It is all too ironic that being hard on ourselves is the easy way out. If we truly are able to gaze upon our lives through the lens of compassion, however, we will be able to see that there is much more to what we do & have done than we realize. Perhaps we were simply trying to protect ourselves or others & did the best we could at the time, or maybe we thought we had no other recourse & chose a solution in the heat of the moment. Once we can understand that dwelling in our -ve feelings will only make us feel worse, we will come to recognize that it is really only through forgiving ourselves that we can transform our feelings & truly heal any resentment we have about our past.
Giving ourselves permission to feel at peace with our past actions is one of the most +ve steps we can take toward living a life free from regrets, disappointments & guilt. The more we are able to remind ourselves that the true path to a peaceful mind & heart is through acceptance of every part of our lives & actions, the more harmony & inner joy we will experience in all aspects of our lives
Sunday, 20 July 2014
Emotion Stress Healing:
To take out and release your emotion which are having inside you.
To take out and release your emotion which are having inside you.
Body Cell Part Healing:
To heal disease of body parts and emotions.
To heal disease of body parts and emotions.
Reiki Healing:
Body and aura, distant healing.
Body and aura, distant healing.
Chakra Healing:
All chakra cleaned and balanced.
All chakra cleaned and balanced.
Pranic Healing:
For endocrine disorders; diabetes, infertility, PCOD, Hypothyroidism, Cysts.
For endocrine disorders; diabetes, infertility, PCOD, Hypothyroidism, Cysts.
Forgiveness Healing:
Get healed and learn forgiveness.
Get healed and learn forgiveness.
Crystal Healing:
Get healed with crystal pyramids.
Get healed with crystal pyramids.
Family Constellation Healing
Re-birthing- Breathing
Take 10 sessions of re-birthing and be born a new human by healing yourself completely.
Take 10 sessions of re-birthing and be born a new human by healing yourself completely.
Neurolinguistic Programming Therapy (NLP):
Treat OCD, Phobia, Nail biting, Bed wetting, Anxiety, Time Line Therapy, Swiss Therapy, Goal planning, Self improvement and sports NLP, NLP for teens.
Treat OCD, Phobia, Nail biting, Bed wetting, Anxiety, Time Line Therapy, Swiss Therapy, Goal planning, Self improvement and sports NLP, NLP for teens.
i) Addiction
v) Insomnia
Panic attack
Remove bad habit
Self Motivation
x) Fear
Unexplained headache.
Healing of home and office:
Diagnosis of negative energy, removal of negative energy, how to protect home and office.
Diagnosis of negative energy, removal of negative energy, how to protect home and office.
Vast Energy Consultation for home
Sale of Reiki Charged Articles
i) Aura rods
Crystal Ball
Crystal Chakra Stone
v) Chakra Pyramid
x) Chakra generator
Chakra activation
Chakra wands
Angel hanging
Wands of quartz
Pendants, Bracelets, Bed Mala
Amazing Healing Stones
All types of Pyramids
And much more….
Friday, 18 July 2014
Meditation centre , Chandigarh, India
on alpha for self healing; Hindi and English
to assess Akashik records for making changes in life
of cosmic flame to clear Aura
Meditation on affirmation; positive though
Meditation for prosperity
Meditation for money
Meditation for spiritual journey
Meditation for self glow- body healing
Meditation on reiki wishes and
fulfillment; Hindi
Aham Brahmasmic; higher journey
Meditation for creating future
Meditation for negative thought removal
Chakra Meditation
Chakra Balancing, life passion meditation
Full moon meditation
Creating the life you want
Awakening your intuition
Finding inner peace
Discovering your spiritual life
Relieve stress and anxiety
Self belief meditation
How to feel your heart
Grounding and balancing
Energize your creativity
Idol me slimming
To understand what is meditation.
Meditation Therapy
1) Connecting to family tree
Emotional alchemy
Journey to past life; Hindi on meditation
Journey to past life; English on meditation
child therapy
Relationship healing therapy
Abundance therapy.
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